Monday, April 27, 2009

Abuse of Power (FOLLOWUP)

In response to Rep. Harman's allegations, the NSA has been systematically reviewing the programs that they have in place for wiretaps and intercepts in order to ensure that law abiding U.S. citizens are not being surveyed. Through the course of these back checks, the NSA has reported a few incidents in which certain communications were inadvertently intercepted. This has raised controversy over laws established post 9/11 that are slowly eroding the privacy of U.S. citizens. While it is unfortunate that these communications were unlawfully intercepted, the most important this now is that we know about them.

This incident has shown the effectiveness of the system that we have in place where a branch of our government reports their follies through the bureaucratic system and goes about correcting their processes. This branch of the government controls the flow of communications and information through the United States, it would not have taken a lot of energy to prevent this information from reaching the public. However, we now know of their inadvertent illegal intercepts and see that their governing processes are effective and ensure transparency.

Additionally, in an attempt to put these few violations in perspective it is important to imagine the amount of communications that pass through NSA inspection regularly. They are charged, by us, with monitoring all communications made by non-U.S. persons that are reasonably believed to be outside of the United States. If they inadvertently intercept a handful of illegal communications it dos show that the system is not perfect; however, it shows that the system is pretty efficient.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Obama & Torture (FOLLOWUP)

The President had recently cleared up the details about the possible prosecution of CIA officials than engaged in physical interrogation. He has claimed that if their efforts were consistent with the Justice Department's legal advice at the time then there would be not prosecution. He also made a very good move in saying that it is not only a a waste of resources to backtrack and punish government officials for such techniques, it is also a place where he does not want his new administration. He feels that it would further divide the country and that he is very concerned with moving forward. He says that this issue is about turning the page on previous interrogation practices, adhering to our own principles, and allowing the new administration to act in accordance with their new goal of total transparency.

In order to adhere to this, Obama has ordered the release of "Top Secret" government documents from the CIA that outline the limits of our interrogation ability and highlight exactly what was and what was not sanctioned during the Bush years. While this does highlight the Presidents wish to allow people to see what exactly the government is doing, it also allows our enemies the same privilege. It is noble that the President stick to his promise of forcing the government to work under the observation of the people it serves, as this is truly democratic; the issue is that he is sacrificing secrecy in a time of war.

To allow ruthless enemies to know exactly how far we are willing to go is to embolden them and to allow them to see our weaknesses. By allowing our enemies to see our boundaries is to allow them to fight outside of them. Just the very nature of publicly releasing top secret documents that outline our secret military practices shows our inability to effectively defeat our enemy. Obama is quoted as saying that in order to truly beat our enemy, we must adhere to our principles even when it is hard. And while it may be harder to fight in this fashion, it will put us on the better side of history. This envisioned grandeur may make us seem righteous and true, but it also puts our soldiers and citizens at a higher risk as we will ineffectively battle our enemies thus allowing conflict to remain longer than it must.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama for Prosecution of those Involved in the Interrogation of Terrorists

On Tuesday President Obama left open the prosecution of those involved in the writing of the legal documents that provided the basis for interrogation tactics that are deemed by some to be "torturous". The President claimed that our nation has lost our moral compas when it comes to torture and human rights. This bantor clearly links to his campaign promises to bring back humane interrogation tactics and to close facilities like Gitmo.

This article then touches two very sesitive subjects: the merits of physically interrogating those suspected of involvment of terrorism and the validity of prosecuting those involved with previously sanctioned practices by the incumbant administration.

To even suggest that government officials can be held accountable for legal ducuments that sanctioned "torture" while it was being approved by the administration in power is simply political garbage. There is no basis for prosecuting individuals that were acting with the approval of the government in writing documents that supported physical interrogation. It was approved by the government at the time, and at the time they did nothing wrong. While the U.S. was "officially" against physical coercion, it employed the practice regularly. The President was simply doing what he does best, using tough bantor to scare certain republicans while attemptiong to make our national policies appeal to foreign governments.

Secondly, while I won't even attempt to tackle the whole moral argument against "torture" or its effectiveness, the fact of the matter is that it happens. Suspects are physically coerced into forfeiting secrets whether we do it or we send them to foreign governments to do it. Our enemies do it and this is where the rationale tends to be "we can't sink to their level". The fact is that this is where our arrogance sets in, reasoning that we are above our enemies and we cannot employ the same practices as them because we are better. Our "War on Terror" isn't one-sided, and if that doesn't blatantly show that our enemy is formidable then nothing will. We have have better technology than our assailants but we are not above them. While we should respect the natural rights of humans, people can forfeit those rights. And If everyone is equal, then 100 lives are greater than 1 and 28 roadside bombing victims are of greater importance than the 2 or 3 detainees that might have known about the impending attack. The torture question is not about violating human dignity, it is a question about how far will we go to protect it.

Abuse of Power?

Democratic Representative Jane Harman's outrage towards being wiretapped back in 2005/2006 has again sparked a debate on Capitol Hill about the legality of wiretapping and the Patriot Act. She claims that the NSA monitoring of her conversations with an alleged Israeli agent was a gross abuse of power. While the actual legality of that practice is still very vague and up to the interpretation of the Patriot Act, the more important issue is the monitoring of government officials. Rep. Harman claims that she never knew that the government monitored her actions.

In this specific inident, she was acting in her capacity as a representative for the United States of america in her dealing with an alleged Israeli agent. Thus the NSA was not monitoring Jane Harman, they were overseeing a representative of the government making deals with an alleged agent for a freindly nation. The government was overseeing is own people that were actiong on its behalf. So in regards to this specific incident, nothing is "secret" when your acting in a capacity that gives you the bargaining power of an entire nation. Her conversations had to be documented to maintain a log of the events in that specific dealing.

This incident also brings up the old argument of the limits of the American Government's power. Special interest groups and lobbyists have jumped on this issue taking the oppurtunity to champion the privacy of citizens from their government. While this case is seemingly a clean cut case of national security, these groups are still trying to make a case to speciffically limit the governments capacity to monitor those that it protects. While innocent people have nothing to hide, some argue that it is the principle of the matter that is at stake. That if we surrender our privacy to the government, what else is next? However, if a call was intercepted and that information was used in the thwarting of an attack, there would be very little upheaval about that use of power.

The fact is that since there is so much information out there, we cannot set lilitations to what can be monitored and what cannot be. In order to detect the very very few trails that threats to national security leave behind we must allow the government to monitor it all. Nobody will argue that the would surrender their safety for their privacy, therefore this is a matter of the efficiency of this method. But the fact of the matter is that small freedoms must be surrendered in order to serve the greater good of the nation and if this means that the government has the power to listen to you dealing with potential Israeli agents, then so be it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

US eases Cuban travel, money restraints

Today President Obama lifted some of the restrictions placed on Cuba by the Bush Administration. This eases travel restrictions on Cuban-Americans and allows others to possibly to visit Cuba, but does not fully allow complete access for all Americans. This also allows Cuban-Americans to send money back to family in Cuba. This did not lift the trade embargo placed on Cuba either, yet it was a step in the right direction.

This issue actually applies directly to Bentley University in particular. A few years ago, Bentley was able to receive permission to enter Cuba for educational purposes. A group of students along with some professors were going to go to Cuba and take some international courses there. However, President Bush banned all travel to Cuba for any reason along with any type of money transfer to the country and the planned trip was cancelled.

This particular decision by the Obama administration was purely political. It does not allow free travel to Cuba, and does not remove the trade embargo. In essence, it simply gives Cuban-Americans the right to travel back to their home country and for them to send money to their own families. These basic rights should never have been taken away. It is simply designed to help Obama’s image within the immigrant populations and to separate him further from the Bush administration.

The Obama administration should use this as a stepping-stone and continue to improve U.S.-Cuba relations. Another stepping-stone could be to allow Cuban Diplomats to travel outside of Washington D.C. Currently, Cuban Diplomats are not allowed to leave the capital city. Eventually all travel restrictions should be lifted. Then, in time, the trade embargo should be removed too.

Cuba is slowly starting to become more and more capitalist. Cell phones are now allowed on the island. Part of this may be due to the fact Fidel Castro was replaced by Raul Castro. The easiest way to speed up this change is to allow Americans to enter the country. Once some American college students enter the country, Cuba will very quickly have to adapt to American culture. The easiest way to end Cuba’s communism is to immerse them with American culture. Once most Cubans begin to experience many American conveniences, communism will not last much longer. This will also greatly increase the U.S.’s “soft power” with Cuba. Cuba will also benefit in that their tourism industry will quickly become the most profitable industry in the country. It will actually have to build many more hotels in order to accommodate the large influx of tourists.

Cuba could one day become a valuable trade partner for the U.S. Since they have been missing many conveniences for many years, U.S. imports could become important to many Cubans. In addition, many U.S. agricultural lobbyists argue for an end to the trade embargo, because they hope that they can ship their products to Cuba too. Overall, the trade embargo only hurts the Cuban people and may do more harm than good in terms of trying to convince them to become democratic. It obviously has not done anything to convince Cuba to change their ways in the last 50 years. What will convince them to change in the next few years?

Allies Ponder How to Plan Elections in Afghanistan

Ten of the 364 districts in Afghanistan are under Taliban control and 156 districts are considered high risk. The presence of the Taliban in the country pose a threat to the upcoming presidential elections. For now, Afghan officials and their American and NATO allies are determined to go through with the elections. Many people are unhappy with the current president and believe he is corrupt and ineffective as half the country is now engulfed in war. This election will be a way for them to voice their opinions, however even if security can be established in enough places, there is concern that the vote will be so compromised that its credibility will be questioned. With the questioning of the credibility would come the questioning of the legitimacy of the current and future Afghan governments and presidents.

In order to help secure the country for the elections, 30,000 more American troops are set to arrive. These troops have a broader goal as well; to stem the insurgency which has escalated in the recent years, and turn the war. Even with these extra troops, it will be extremely difficult and maybe even impossible for elections to be held in some of the districts because of the extent of the Taliban control. Even still, all but 8 or 10 districts took part in voter registration and are therefore expected to take part in the election. There is also a question as to if individuals would even go out and vote. Many already believe fraud would play a large part in the election, and many individuals registered solely to receive voter cards which makes it easier to travel through government checkpoints.

Even though there is potential for the election to be compromised due to the Taliban and it will be difficult to conduct the election in some of the districts, the election still must happen. If this election does not happen as planned, it will send a message to both people inside and people outside of the country that the state of the country is so bad that not even an election to attempt to remedy the situation can occur. It would be an indicator of how bad the war is actually going. As the article also states, not having the elction would "throw the country into a political and constitutional crisis."

In every election there are going to be people who register to vote and then do not end up voting on election day. In Afghanistan this number may be greater than in other countries due to some individuals wanting a voting card for previously stated reasons, or due to the fact that it may be dangerous in some cases to cast a vote. The fact that a number of people will not vote should not be reason enough to not hold an election. There will still be a great number of people who vote, and they deserve to have their voices heard especially at a time when a change in leadership could be crucial to turn the state of the country around and get it going in the right direction. As the article stated, all but 8 0r 10 districts took part in voter registration out of the 364 districts in the country. That is a substantial percentage.

The article also mentions that the Taliban have held back from large-scale disruption of elections in the past because they rely so much on the people and do not want to alienate them. This means that although there is always going to be potential risk for the election to take place, it is not even certain that the Taliban would try to sabotage the vote or disrupt the election in some other way even if they do oppose presidential elections. Overall, the planned election must not be canceled. The extra 30,000 American troops being sent to Afghanistan should be able to provide some extra security for the elections, and at a time like this an election could possibly benefit the country of Afghanistan greatly.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Cities Turn to Fees to Fill Budget Gaps

Cities and local governments, hit hard by the economy, are finding ways to make more money. All sorts of fees are being created and existing fees are being driven up, all in an effort to raise money. It makes sense; just as the people struggle, the government struggles too. But this is crossing the line. Some of the various fees from different parts of the country mentioned in the article are listed below:
-$316 accident response fee
-"fivefold increase in the cost to renew a livestock license"
-raised car registration fees
-raised birth certificate fees
-raised landfill fees
-raised penalty fees for annual dog licenses
-raised fees for AIDS testing
-Personal Favorite: "Washington’s mayor, Adrian M. Fenty, has proposed a 'streetlight
user fee' of $4.25 a month, to be added to electric bills, that would cover the cost of
operating and maintaining the city’s streetlights."

It is understood that governments are running low on cash, but some of these fees are simply awful. Was this country not built on the idea that ridiculous taxes and fees that go to the government are just that...ridiculous? There are two main reasons that the government should not be doing this. Primarily, it is wrong to make the people pay extra money on top of taxes. When people are digging deep in their pockets for some money, it is not the time to implement fees that will catch some off guard and unprepared. At a time when general sentiment is at a scary low, such fees will do nothing but add to the economic problem of these people. It seems obvious, but trying to pull money from people who just do not have it or are not willing to give it up for fear of further economic issues is not what a government should be doing. If I've seen my money in the market cut in half because of the recession, the last thing I need to see is that the government is adding to my problems with a "streetlight user fee" and an "accident response fee." Where are my tax dollars going?

A related reason is the response of the people that the government now has to deal with. If people are asked to pay more without the means, then they are going to be upset. When they are upset, the government is going to hear about it. Instead of unity between people and government, the people will rise up and exacerbate the problems that we are having in this nation. The woman in the article that was charged $316 for the police to come to the scene of her accident has already come forward and maintained she will not pay because she does not think it is fair. Meg Seymour, a town clerk in Londonderry, NH (home of raised dog license penalty fees), "is dreading local reaction." In 2002, when similar fees were raised, the calls were "vicious." How does public outrage possibly benefit a government?

These fees are wrong and insensitive to the people and they create a schism between the people and the government. In a time when unity and optimism are necessary, this is not the right thing to do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Polling at its worst

The above URL is a link to a NYT article. This article exposes a poll used to debase his opponent. It really shows how polls can be used for negative reasons, and how they can be misued and conducted improperly.

Louisiana, a Test Case in Federal Aid

Before the $787 billion was dropped for the national stimulus bill, Louisiana was given $51 billion in reconstruction money after Hurricane Katrina occurred. This was one of the largest amounts given at one time to a single state. There have been positive effects such as a drop in unemployment and construction projects that are contributing to an “ongoing boom”. The government has offered Louisiana another $98 million in stimulus money, but the state’s Republican governor, Bobby Jindal, plans to reject it. As you can imagine, this has been a controversial decision, but it is clear that Jindal should not reject money that his state needs. New Orleans needs a new hospital which they are estimating to be about $500 million but FEMA has only offered them $150 million, this is just one example of how money can still be put to good use in the state of Louisiana.

Jindal is very much anti government spending. Considering the state of the current economy, it is understandable to be cautious about how what money we do have is being put to use. However, what is not understandable is how a governor would reject needed money for his own state. What Jindal needs to consider is where stimulus money is being the most effective. The government is not turning a blind eye to the rest of the nation, as seen by the $787 billion. Still, the federal stimulus money has not proven to be anywhere as effective as it has in Louisiana. If something’s working, you don’t stop it.

Above all, a governor has a responsibility to work for his state and ensure that the needs of the people are met. By turning down this stimulus, he is not fulfilling his responsibility to the citizens of Louisiana.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Barack Obama G20 Speech

President Obama’s recent trip to Europe for the G20 was relatively successful. Obama called it a “historic agreement” yet it seemed like more of a photo shoot than actually creating new policy. The true success of the meeting seemed to come in the form of a united desire to work collectively to help the world economy. Still there were a wide range of solutions that were proposed. European counties such as France and Germany were looking to promote the creation of a global finance police. Other countries such as Russia are looking to pay bailouts with no strings attached relying fully upon the free market. This goes to show that although all of the countries said that they want to work together on this they all are going to go their separate ways where actual policy is concerned. This meeting should not be judged a success until it is certain that these words will be followed up with wide spread international policy.

What this meeting did foster is more of the confidence that everyone thinks is vital if the financial system is going to recover. On the day the US markets rose with the meeting showing that the meeting certainly ended on a positive note and shows how important this confidence is. The specific things that did get accomplished such as the 250 billion to boost world trade and the 750 billion given to the IMF seem like causes that are extremely broad and ineffective ways of using collective resources. Many developing countries that have received aid from the IMF have complained heavily due to the nature of the organization. Instead of this lip service to the world economic issue countries need to start coming together more removing local trade barriers and promoting the international flow of money. If the G20 was really a historic agreement then a lot more would have been accomplished.

A Shift to Make the Border Safe, From the Inside Out

The article discusses a new initiative to keep the southern border of the country safe. The plan involves sending an additional 360 agents to the border with Mexico. The main point of the plan, along with increasing the effectiveness of already existing border patrol methods, is to conduct southbound investigations. Additionally, Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security Secretary, plans to complete the remaining 60 miles of fencing along the border, which has cost an estimated $4 million per mile.

Is this a good use of federal funding and agents? On the one hand, 360 agents is not something to treat lightly; they are very highly trained. Could they be put to better use? Also, an additional $240 million of federal spending when the economy is suffering should be considered unwise. After all, Napolitano herself said, “You show me a 12-foot fence and I’ll show you a 13-foot ladder.” The fence is obviously not foolproof and therefore may not warrant the additional spending. On the other hand, border security is something of extreme importance. People and illegal items leaving the country pose just as much danger as those entering it. This initiative also may prevent people from working in the United States while they live in Mexico. Especially with the country in its current economic state with fewer available jobs, this is of extreme importance. Southbound inspections will help to increase national security and decrease unwanted international travel.

One possible stance is to keep the additional agents there but abandon the plan, at least currently, to continue adding to the fence. This will still allow southbound inspections and also increase security against immigrants entering the United States without costing an additional $240 million. The southbound inspections are likely to decrease the trafficking of illegal substances and immigrants between the United States and Mexico. The initiative to decrease immigration from the southern border is of extreme importance and should not be discounted.

Gates Budget Plan Reshapes Pentagon's Priorities

Robert M. Gates, the Defense Secretary of the United States, announced Monday that there will be major renovations to the current Pentagon budget.  The budget, comprised of over $500 billion, handles all military funding including funding for the armed services, military facilities, equipment, weapons and innovative technology.  Gates has proposed drastically cutting into the budget for more traditional military technology such as deep-water Navy ships, missile programs and F-22 fighter jets.  Accompanying these cuts will be a cutback in the number of Army brigades, the cancelation of a new Presidential helicopter and a reduction in the number of Army land vehicles.  The trade-off is that Gates will increase spending on technologies to help combat terrorism and other current threats.  He would like to add soldiers to the army, increase spending on helicopter production, spend $2 billion on battlefield intelligence gathering, increase numbers of the F-35 fighter and continue to produce drone jets such as the Reaper.

One interesting concept on this is how this information is so readily available to the public.  The article goes into a lot of depth about what is being cut and what isn’t and what is currently in development.  It is hard to draw a line between transparency, which is a good thing because tax payers get to see what their money is actually doing, and just giving away too much information.  Here Gates does a good job of informing people on what is happening but yet conceals enough so that others with alternative motives, terrorists for example, can do practically nothing with the information.

At a first glance, the article may seem upsetting for those that believe the military is one of the most important and high priorities when discussing the U.S. budget.  One may think that the proposed budget cuts on military spending looks too much like what the Clinton administration did in the 1990s. Clinton drastically cut military funding to the point where some even blame the cuts for the U.S.’s poor preparation in Iraq.  But unlike Clinton, Gates is proposing the right cuts and smart additions.  The Cold War is over.  There is no need for military technologies designed for large combat between two or more huge superpowers.  In today’s world, country leaders stress diplomacy rather than war.  Globalization is a huge ideology and today’s world is a lot more closely knit than that of 20 years ago.  Counties all across the Earth rely on each other.  The U.S. relies on imports from China among others and those countries rely on the U.S. for their business.  This is just one of hundreds of examples.  The U.S. relies on China even more now as they continue to borrow enormous amounts of money from them in light of the recent economic recession.  The point being made here is that war today is different from war 20 years ago.  The U.S. needs to adapt to its surroundings and focus on technology that will help them to fight in this modern environment.  With the economic recession in full gear, it is the perfect time to start to phase outdated technology out and bring in new technology equipped to tackle the obstacles of a changing world.


A Nuclear Free World?

While in Prague, President Obama announced his plan to rid the world of nuclear weapons. He calls it America’s “moral duty” because we are the only country that has ever used one. But is it our moral duty? First of all, this plan seems extremely unrealistic. Even if the world were to be nuclear free, what is stopping a country from building more bombs? Today, North Korea launched a long range missile. This proves that countries can, and will quickly build nuclear missiles. Not having our own nuclear missiles would not provide us with any protection from countries that would develop them. Obama answered this question about our defense by stating that there will be "real and immediate consequences" for countries that violate this policy. America should not be the country who spearheads punishing countries for developing their military. This would set us up for too much controversy, which would cause us to make more enemies, thereby putting us a greater risk for attack. Second, this plan makes President Obama look soft. It is known that European countries that support the nuclear-free cause are viewed as soft and naïve. If President Obama were to implement this plan, countries would see him as soft and take advantage of this. This too, would put American citizens at risk.

Although his plan is unrealistic, it has good intentions. It can be the start of a weakening of tensions between countries that possess nuclear bombs, which is a more realistic goal. Obama’s first step is to renegotiate the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with the Russians. This is a good start to appeasing nuclear tension. However, in the same speech in Prague, Obama stated that he would like to implement a missile defense system in the countries of Poland and the Czech Republic. Planning this has caused grief between Russia and the US, which seems contradictory to his plan for peace. Instead of setting up this defense system that will anger countries, he should work on getting the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty ratified and signed by all of the 44 countries who have nuclear capabilities. This would effectively ban all nuclear explosions in all environments, for military or civilian purposes, and would hamper any countries hopes at testing their nuclear potential.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jewish groups upset with Obama's latest decision

The state department announced today that the United States will try to get back into the United Nations Human Rights Council.  Why isn't the US currently in the UN Human Rights Council?  Well it was, until during the Bush administration, they boycotted this group because of its criticism towards Israel, and its refusal to criticize other countries like Sudan.  Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said that this is in an attempt to bring about a "new era of engagement" under the Obama administration.

However major Jewish groups across the country are "outraged".  They explain that the track record of the UN Human Rights Council is "abysmol".  They refuse to lend aid to situations such as Darfur and turn their back on the violation of human rights that occurs in the member countries.

The UN Human Rights Council is a stage for much slander against the State of Israel and President Bush realized that they would not get anywhere by being a part of this group.  The United States wishing to join back in this group will cause a setback in the Israel-US relationship, as well as hurt many Jews in the country.

I agree that joining this group is probably not the best thing to do at this time, especially when Israel is currently under as much scrutiny as it is.  If the UN Human Rights Council does fail to look at the member countries violating human rights, than there is no reason that the United States should feel inclined to be a part of it.  So far, joining this group has caused more turmoil than it has good, and for that reason alone, it hasn't been worth it.

Are We Safe?

With North Korea gearing up to launch a rocket into space, America and governments around the world are preparing to respond. Or, at least they should be. According to a NYT article, the Obama’s administration has decided not to try and stop the launch. While this may seem okay, consider that Secretary Gates said, “I don’t know anyone at a senior level in the American government who does not believe this technology is intended as a mask for the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile.” That, along with North Korea’s nuclear program, should put fear into Americans.

Instead, the President chose to focus his efforts on Pakistan and Afghanistan. While this is noble and generally seen as an okay thing to do, this is not the time. North Korea is not considered a stable country, as it is under a communist regime, and steps should be taken to stop inroads that cannot be reversed. If they do launch this rocket, then it spells danger for democratic people across the world. What is probably not going to happen will be a direct launch from North Korea to, say, Japan. No one is a winner in that situation. What worries me is that they could give the technology to groups that intend to do harm, such as Al Qaeda.

This is a serious test for the President. It does not only have an implication in terms of his negotiation skills, but it also concerns the validity of his “diplomacy first” international relations scheme and overall judgment. He appears to be ignoring the advice of his Defense Secretary, which could cost the lives of innocents. This could signal his disregard of the opinions of those with another opinion.

It is also worth considering that the only legitimate threat from another foreign government is from an atomic warhead or other missile. Why should we not protect ourselves anyway? There are always things that are unpredicatable, and this would be a good investment. After all, we spend as much as the rest of the world combined on defense. Who is going to invade us? This would also fit in with President Obama’s non-interventionist policy.

There is, however, undoubtedly more behind the decision that what I have described here. Regardless of any ignorance the public is afflicted with, the resolution of this international situation will forebode partially our nation’s fate for the next four years.


Paying in Full as the Ticket Into Colleges

This article addresses the current trend in university admissions of steering away from accepting incoming students on a need-blind basis, and beginning to accept wealthier students who are in no need of financial aid. Although colleges and universities are a business, and are looking to make money for their institution, we need to look at the implications of such a trend. There are economic realities, of course, to offering financial aid to a large number of students, but shouldn’t the bottom line of a university be to educate the students to their greatest ability, and to be confident, when they leave, that they will succeed in their chosen career? The discrepancies are clear, and the gap between the students attending the most respected schools and community schools, for example, will greatly expand. There will be a larger hierarchy to the American education system; talented lower-income high school students will almost be forced to attend a college or university that does not challenge them to the extent essential for them to thrive. Meanwhile, many international and less talented higher-income students are being accepted into respected schools without as much as a blink of an eye by admissions. The pure fact that they can pay the full tuition with no financial aid is enough reason for them to be allowed into the freshman class.

This is wrong; criteria for acceptance is steering away from the best SAT scores, the highest number of AP courses taken and passed, etc., it is now based on the ZIP code you live in, or your parent’s background. Of course, one can argue that all the earlier criteria is still looked at and taken into consideration accordingly, but let’s be realistic; according to the article, a stellar student with the highest G.P.A. in their high school in need of financial assistance will become second best to the less-than-mediocre student that comes from a wealthy town, lives in a multi-million dollar home, and can easily pay the tuition set by the school. It’s a reality, and it’s not fair. The United States is known for its level playing field, especially in education. Of course, universities itself vary across the nation, but it has been a common practice for years to accept students on a need-blind basis. Diversity will suffer on college campuses; the wealthy will be attending the most respected schools in the nation, while the average will be forced into the rest. This is an elitist situation, for sure.

After reading this article, it’s somewhat obvious that this trend has permeated at least somewhat into our campus. Bentley is a predominantly wealthy campus, and international students attending the university are at an all time high. I would hate to think that next year, or five years down the line, people wouldn’t be able to attend this excellent school just because their wallets were stopping them.