Monday, November 10, 2008

A Few Post Election Thoughts

After the election, the distribution of house seats and senate seats changed. What does this change mean? The post election national government is dominated by democratic representatives, democratic senators, and of course a democratic president. This domination of the house and the senate would not be all that interesting if not for the fact it happened in one election. This change shows the nations dissatisfaction with the Bush administration. Bush’s poor job as president has cost the Republican Party the nation’s trust and support. The disturbance in the economy also harmed the Republican Party. People want regulation after what occurred with the financial giants. Businesses cannot be trusted to act on their own because they will not look out for what is good for the general population. Democrats are the party for regulation. Is it bad for democracy to not have a 50/50 divide in the senate and house? I believe that it is because people need their ideas to be challenged so that only the good ones move on. However, I do see the advantages to having a house and senate leaning toward one direction. In a 50/50 senate and house, some ideas may not get passed because no decisive agreement can be made.


1 comment:

Doug D said...

I agree that the house and senate need to have some republicans in order for democracy to work. I do not think that they need a 50/50 divide. All they need is a few people to challenge their views and make them think. It does not always have to be even to get the house or senate to lean in one direction. After the BUsh administration, American citizens were fed up with how the economy changed. There is no doubt as to why the democrats took over in office. This does not mean of course that only democratic views will pass. There are still many officials in office who can sway viewpoints one way or the other. Democracy will not fail because of the overwhelming democrats, We have seen mmany republicans in office, there will just be a change in the decisions made.